
Well, Hello There Sunshine

I dunno about you but with March 20th being the first day of Spring, I’m gung-ho ready to pack away my cozy down-filled coat, wool mittens and waterproof ‘perfect-for-below-average-temperatures’ winter boots. Dodging puddles made from melting snow and sunsets now making an appearance at around 7:45pm are making me ridiculously giddy. With the promise of spring and warmer air (also known to Canadians as ‘air that doesn’t hurt your face’) I can’t help but think, “Helllloooo patio season.” 

Life and business tend to pick up quite a bit during this time. We crawl out of hibernation mode and get back into the swing of things. The days are longer and we’re not calling it quits on yet another freezing day and curling up in bed by 8pm (just me?)

With the hustle and bustle starting to pick up, we can often let this time pass and miss the transition to a new season – and sadly so! There’s something magical about seeing the trees budding, tulips popping and the grass getting greener. Taking an extra 5 minutes during our day to just take a walk outside to breathe the fresh air without having to bundle up in 10 layers is pretty damn sweet.

When we’re just trying to get through the week, we can also ignore the natural urge to purge that’s so strong at this time. Spring cleaning is THE perfect chance to start afresh – to get rid of the crap and baggage we’re holding onto that we know we’ll never use.

The next time you’re standing in front of your closet, convincing yourself that – despite the 50-some-odd pieces of garments staring right back at you – you have nothing to wear, get honest with yourself. That top you bought 6 months ago. Y’know the one I’m talking about. The one that still has the tag on it. The one you bought because:

  • It was on sale and you simply couldn’t resist.
  • It was actually really similar to another three shirts you already own but you could justify buying it because it was slightly different (not really though now as you’re looking at it again).
  • It was the perfect match to the pair of pants/skirt/shoes you never wear so you thought you might finally have a complete outfit.
  • You absolutely needed something new to wear to that event you had with the big thing that everyone went to (even though you ended up wearing something else that you felt better in anyway).

We’ve all got that shirt. And if we look a little closer, we’ll probably find a couple more items that we’ve worn a handful of times and feel out of sorts whenever we wear it. Apparently, on average, we wear only about 20% of our wardrobe. The rest is in there to make us feel like we have more options than we really want (or need for that matter). And I’ve read about more than a dozen uber-successful business tycoons that wore the same thing day in and out as a matter of efficiency (think Steve Jobs and his infamous black turtleneck). I’ll admit I’m certainly guilty of spending far too much time obsessing over what to wear on occasion, when that time could’ve been better spent doing pretty much anything other than obsessing over what to wear.

So purge that shit. Go through the closet and pull out the items that are taking up room – the stuff you hardly or never wear. Donate it all – give it to someone who actually has nothing to wear for real.

And while you’re at it – what about that kitchen drawer full of junk? The one that you need to squeeze shut and pray that it won’t burst open randomly, full of ‘just in case’ crap that you keep – stuff that you might need, one day, some day, but probably not anytime soon.

While you’re in the kitchen (and this is a BIG personal note to self here) go through your cabinets and check ’em out. Do you really need those five cans of beans that you’ve had for months because you keep forgetting that you bought beans the last time you went to the grocery store? Guess what’s for dinner? You got it. Bean casserole.

There’s power in getting rid of the stuff we don’t need. By getting rid of clutter, we create a clear space to live and create in and there’s no better time than now to do it. Happy decluttering!

Much love, XXX

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