
Ode To The Feminine

This post is dedicated to all the strong and inspiring women I know and the men who love, trust, hear and see us. 

Somewhere in the haze of my late 20’s, I recognized that I’d been looking at my feminine energy as a weakness rather than a strength.

I suppressed the experience of my every emotion because I didn’t want to be too complicated.
I was afraid to explore my creativity because I didn’t want to be too messy.
I hid my best physical features because I didn’t want to be too sexy.
I tempered my opinion because I didn’t want to be too bossy.
I was afraid to really open up and love because I didn’t want to be too vulnerable.
I tried to control things rather than allow the flow of life to move me.

For all those moments we stopped the tears from falling, neglected to check in with our hearts, hid our excitement and didn’t dance to our favourite songs…

For all those moments we stifled our curiosity because we thought it was silly, we had better things to do and didn’t think we had the permission to search…

For all those hours we spent way too long in front of the mirror criticizing ourselves, analyzing, plucking at hairs and obsessing about wrinkles…

For all those times we didn’t state our point of view, kept quiet when our soul was crying out and didn’t stand up for ourselves…

For all those times we chose fear over courage, jealousy over encouragement and cruelty over compassion…

For all those times we didn’t allow ourselves to just BE.


Be the very things you yearn for in other people, places and situations.
Be the light you seek.
Be the love you crave.
Be the acceptance you need.
Be the understanding you demand.
Be the confidence you aspire to.
Be the connection you ache for.

Be bold.
Be wild.
Be brave.
Be free.
Be real.

Forgive others.
Forgive yourself.
Let go.
Move on.

Cry. Laugh. Sing. Get angry.
And then move and breathe it all out.

Celebrate each other.
Declare your wins.
Honour yourself.
Revel in love.

Do it all over again.

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