
Weekly Tarotscope August 19 – August 25, 2018

The circle of cups that signifies the Ten of Cups shows five cups along the top and five along the bottom of the card. The semi-circle of cups along the top are shining beams of coloured light into the cups sitting opposite them and vice versa. There’s a sense of reciprocity here, where for each cup sending light, there’s another receiving and sending it right back out.

This week is all about understanding that we get what we give. Light begets light. Happiness begets happiness. And love begets love. While it’s a great feeling to accept positivity in our lives, it’s also important to send it back out into the world. We’re in a reciprocal relationship with the universe and the people and things around us. Happiness and joy are contagious and we have the power to shift the energy in our relationships and with the people and within the places around us by simply radiating our own happiness and joy.

How can you radiate the love and blessings you’ve been receiving in your life? In what ways and in which situations can you share your positivity with others? Is there anyone in particular that you think could use an infusion of positivity and if so, how can you make the time to brighten their day?

Until next week, xoxo

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