I decided a while ago that I wasn’t going to have children. And anyone who knows me well, knows that I struggled really hard with that choice, thinking it might make me incomplete somehow. Or that maybe I would be missing out on something big that I was meant to experience as a woman.
But we’re a living extension of our mothers, their mothers before us and all of our ancestries. We breathe life into our history everyday when we give ourselves the permission to be exactly who we are, proudly displaying our beautiful and flawed parts and everything in-between. And in turn, by giving ourselves that permission, we give life to something new.
We give life to something when we create from scratch – from a full meal made from basic ingredients, to a spring garden that blooms because we took the time to plant the seeds seasons ago. We give birth to something each time we sit down to write, apply paint to canvas or embrace a creative endeavour. We give birth to something when we take the time to move with pure intention through life and engage with people and places in a mindful and present way.
Every time we encourage someone to follow their gut and try something they’ve been putting off, we help them nurture the place inside them that needs to explore the world and our vast potential within it. The place that, when uncovered, begins to manifest crazy magic simply because it originates from a space of raw discovery.
‘Cuz that’s the crux right there.
We might not realize it but we’re creating and nurturing ALL THE FUCKING TIME.
It’s our choice to continue shifting and evolving to give birth more and more to who we are by doing the things that make us feel good. The things that inspire us. The things that challenge us. And as we do so, we set the tone for others to do the same.
And so, happy Mother’s Day to my incredibly amazing mother. Thank you for being a light in the dark, my strength when I was weak and showing me what it means to be a soul who embraces the living earth, her creative forces and soldiers on when things get rough. Know that the love I have for you surpasses time and space and that as proud as you are of me, the prouder I am to call you mom.
Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there who constantly wonder if they’re doing the ‘right thing’ for their kids. It’s not easy being a mother and it will test your strength, patience and resolve. Just know that you doing your best at any given time is all your children need because you’re only human after all.
To those out there who can’t celebrate today with their mother because she’s too far away (physically, mentally or emotionally) and you can no longer touch, see or communicate with her. For those who have a strained relationship with their mom and wish things were different. Know that today isn’t about fancy Hallmark cards and flowers. Know that nothing is perfect. Know that this is enough.
To everyone who isn’t a mother in the traditional sense but has created something from nothing, has breathed life into a project that needed a fresh set of eyes and a push in the right direction.
To everyone who’s made an impact – however big or small – on another person’s life and shown them that they can do something or be something that they didn’t think they could. To anyone who’s held another person’s hand, been a shoulder to cry on and lent support to help them move beyond difficulty.
Know that you too are creating and that not having the label ‘mother’ or ‘mom’ stuck to you doesn’t make you any less important to yourself or others. ‘Cuz the world needs more creators, just like you.
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