
Weekly Tarotscopes April 22 – April 28, 2018

A spider meticulously weaves her web. Dedicated and precise, she’s a master of her art.

Much as how she hones her craft with every intricate and subtle move, this week, we’re being asked to sharpen our skills. Go about our tasks with true confidence. Get focused. Pay attention to the details.

The suit of Pentacles speaks to our worldly possessions – issues involving our homes, money, or careers. Much like the spider has captured the pentacles in her web, we’re being asked to consider what we’d like to acquire or attain.

What are your goals when it comes to your home, money or career? How can you continue to hone your skills to achieve your goals? What else do you need to consider to get there? Is there a new hobby you can partake in to realize your objectives? Perhaps it’s not a straight and obvious path – can you identify any side routes or detours? Get creative with your path.

Until next week, xoxo

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