
Weekly Tarotscope August 13 – August 19, 2017

As we look at the Ten of Wands, we’re overpowered by the sharp black lined background. The visual is reminiscent of a heavy rainstorm and the darkness is so pronounced, we can barely see the wands scattered about.

When we start the suit of wands, things appear to be mostly happy, hopeful, and inspired. The ten of wands however, depicts utter disarray. It’s as if we’ve almost given up on a bright direction and are left with a dead end – overloaded and overburdened. What we see here is burnout and the resulting blockage and difficulty.

We see here how mental or physical burdens have weighed us down – leading to a sense of hopelessness. This is a wake up call! What was once excitement has become too much of a good thing and we’ve likely lost our focus. The excitement has essentially imploded upon itself.

This card is a reminder that enthusiasm is not the only necessary ingredient for forward movement in life. We can often take on more projects, tasks, and directions than we can reasonably carry. At this point, we’ve reached maximum capacity and as things slow down and become tiresome, we’re reminded to prioritize and declutter so we can keep moving with the good stuff.

Is there anywhere right now where you can let go of the expectations you’ve piled on yourself to over-deliver? How can you lighten your load – as excited as you may be – to take on new challenges and embrace an easier, less overwhelming approach to everything you’ve piled onto your plate? Who can you rally to help support you through all the heavy lifting you’ve been doing?

Until next week, xoxo

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