
Ode To A Bittersweet 2021

Most New Years come in with a bang of global fanfare and excitement for the next 365 days. I would argue that 2021 crawled in with a whimper as we took a collective sigh of relief to leave 2020 behind.…

I Dreamt of You Last Night

When you took me by the handI knew there was something importantyou needed me to knowabout the in-between space I find myself in and the unknowingthat’s beginningto fill me with fearof what’s next. “Life is funny that way,” you said“you have…

Confessions Of A Woman In Isolation

I’ve worn nothing but yoga pants and sports bras. Every day. If they smell clean and are free from food stains, they make the cut. I don’t miss shoes. Or socks. Or sleeves. At all. I peeked into my closet…

Why COVID-19 Is An Offering

Without minimizing the impact of the virus (we’ve all no doubt absorbed the plethora of online facts, figures, stats and charts deep into our DNA) my heart truly goes out to all those who have been affected. It’s been difficult…

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