
Weekly Tarotscope
February 12 – February 18, 2017

The suit of worldly possessions, The Pentacles are ruled by the earth element. These cards speak to issues about our homes, money, or our careers and they ask us to focus on generosity + greed.

This week is about prosperity, growth and generosity.The Six of Pentacles let’s us know that our hard work is paying off and the fruits of our labour are ready to be harvested, bringing more wealth than imagined. Generosity is key at this time – to be generous with others and sharing our new-found wealth. It’s about also accepting how others want to help by offering their charity. If other’s offer help, we’d do best to put their resources to good use.

What have you been working towards recently? Focus on the signs (no matter how small) that show you that you’re on the right path and things are starting to flow – how can you show your gratitude for these shifts? Is there anyone you can thank? How can you show yourself credit where credit is due? How can you share your own sense of generosity in response to the shifts occurring?

Until next week, xo.


Card pulled from The Wild Unknown deck.
Custom mala made by TASSION.


  • Corinne K.
    February 13, 2017 at 12:20 pm

    Thanks for the support gurl. I’ve been feeling this one too. And mad love right back to you!

  • Tasha
    February 13, 2017 at 4:31 am

    Love this. It’s as if you have validated my most recent actions / behaviours. Give credit where credit is due. Sending you big love sista.

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